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Awesome Neorg site

elmarsto opened this issue · comments


  • I have checked existing issues and there are no existing ones with the same request.

Feature description

I'm struggling to figure out all the cool things that Neorg can do from me -- it's just that powerful.

Yet the documentation is still a bit scant, and anyway, what I really want are examples! So I figured I'd do an 'Awesome Neorg' list.

So I made one!

We take donations :) I will be adding my own examples over the holiday. In the meantime, send me your drool-worthy examples of Neorg awesomeness, and I will link.



Implementation help

Send me your favourite examples of neorg awesomeness as a PR to the README.

Thank you!

Hello! Thanks for contributing !

What type of examples do you have in mind to add in the awesome suite ?

Circling back because I left the lede buried: If you have done something awesome in neorg and want to share, please let me know, below, on this thread, so I can link to you!

Even better: Add it to the README.md and shoot me a PR :)

I can throw some cool configs and not well known features in a few days' time if nobody ends up doing it first. Gotta get the ball rolling :D

That would be awesome!

The other big thing is that there is currently no example of a 'maximalist' init.lua configuration for neorg, nor why you'd want one -- and by 'maximalist' I mean: fully-specified neorg config, with all the bells and whistles, including correct use of the nvim-cmp source and the treesitter grammar.

In an ideal world we'd have wiki pages, tutorials, cheat sheets and other articles that take the user from e.g. 'what is tree sitter and why would I need it' thru 'this is a treesitter config with sane defaults, and this config supports neorg'; 'what is a completion engine, what is a source, and how to I add neorg'; 'what is fold mode and how does it work together with treesitter in neorg'; etc. But the truth is, we're not there yet, and it will take some work to get there.

In the meantime, I figured I'd first collect real-world examples, so as to get the ball rolling for neorg's documentation build-out. Hence, Awesome Neorg, https://github.com/elmarsto/awesome-neorg.

It's admittedly a bit of a 'stone soup' right now -- all I did was throw up a repo -- but I'll be making contributions this weekend. In the meantime, I'm happy to add whatever you have to contribute. :)

My intention is for 'Awesome Neorg' to be relatively low-maintenance, so I can keep curating it without promising away too much of my future time, which I'd prefer to use for mucking about in neorg :)

Thus, 'Awesome Neorg' will come to consist mostly of user-submitted examples, which could be gh gists, gh repos, gh issues, or external URLs. Of course, if the example in question comes with a sweet animated-gif screenshot, then all the better. :)

Then, later, when it's time to write the docs/tutorials/howtos good-and-proper, we can upcycle the examples from 'Awesome Neorg', linking to them as real-world examples of whatever it is the new docs are explaining.

It's always easier to write docs if you have a bucket of real-world examples handy, and ultimately, that's what I wanna give back: a slightly easier time getting the documentation to completion. :)

Viva! The Neorg! Long may it mode.

Filling out awesome-neorg did not happen this weekend as human-life intervened. I am not flaking, just playing for time. :)

If you have examples, please share them <3

Hey @elmarsto . I think this is something that would be really helpful for the neorg community. I'd arrange such a repo in "use cases".

Something like:

  • how to use neorg to track project tasks
    • how to capture a new task
    • how to mark progress and complete tasks
    • how to archive completed tasks (is this possible?)
    • how to create sub-sections
    • etc.
  • How to use neorg to take notes
    • how to create a main index file
    • how to create a link to a new page and start editing it right away
    • how to add backlinks
    • how to view a list of the last X notes you've edited

And so on. I'm still struggling to use neorg for anything more than editing a todo.neorg file, so a list of examples would be really helpful. If I can contribute anyhow, I'd be really happy to help.

PS: @vhyrro may I ask what's the colorscheme used in the neorg readme gifs?

Thanks! I am dealing with covid impact in my family right now. I will circle back in March.

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