nviennot / android-checkin

Pretends to be a phone to get a legit android_id

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Using android-checkin.jar with a higher SDK

IzzySoft opened this issue · comments


Currently, checkin.jar is fixed to SDK 16 (Android 4.1) if I read this correctly. Is it possible creating an AndroidID for a different/higher SDK – and if, how to achieve this (preferably in a way not requiring Java development knowledge)?

at the moment, there is no way to achieve this without a bit of java knowledge.


I was afraid so. But I guess you've got that knowledge; couldn't you create a version with, say, SDK 19 (Kitkat – which currently is the most used Android version around) and attach that in the releases area? Guess I'm not the only one who would be very thankful for that :)


Thanks for the pointer! For those not familiar with Java (like me), could you also add how to create the .jar afterwards? Most likely many of us only have JRE installed, but no JDK – not to speak of having used SDK ;)

Easiest way (from the users' POV) would be some config file or command-line parameter to pass for overriding those values – which probably would be demanding too much work from your end. Hence my suggestion of having multiple .jar files ready for "major versions", at the moment I'd say SDK 19 (Kitkat), 22 (LP 5.1) and 23 (Marshmallow) should be fine for the next year at least, in addition to the existing JB/4.1 one.

Thanks a lot in advance – whichever way you chose!

I don't remember how to do the .jar. I suck hard at java you see :/


Ouch. Then hopefully someone jumps in building the .jar files and providing them back to you …


OK, problem solved: DummyDroid created an android_id using my devices real build.prop (can use any build.prop and, if you wish, you can also fake/manipulate all specs).