nuxui / nuxui

NuxUI is Golang GUI SDK for IOS, Android, macOS, Windows, Linux

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App build failed with ``` undefined: paint & NewPaint ```

baxiry opened this issue · comments

go version :

go1.18.1 darwin/arm64

nuxui version :


os & cpu arch


What did you do?

nux build -target=iossimulator -bundleid="" -teamid="YOURTEAMID" .

What did you expect to see?

Build the app successfully

What did you see instead?

App build failed with this error:

go/pkg/mod/ undefined: paint
go/pkg/mod/ undefined: NewPaint

@bashery It looks like your go env not handle build tag //go:build !android correcttly

Try modify file nuxui/nux/paint_other.go:

--//go:build !android
++//go:build (linux || windows || darwin) && (!android)

There is no file named paint_other.go .
I tried modifying path.go path_cairo.go path_darwin.go path_ios.go path_win.go respectively, and the error persists.
Maybe I didn't understand the solution well or I got something wrong

@bashery is paint not path, paint_other.go

@bashery sorry, my bad, i check github file, it has not paint_other.go
git was not track a lot files

@bashery I pushed missing files, update samples, and build it

cd samples
git pull
cd hello
go mod tidy
go build .

I don't know why git untracked these files😅

The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:
hint: Use -f if you really want to add them.
hint: Turn this message off by running
hint: "git config advice.addIgnoredFile false"
mustodo@nuxart nux % git add -f *.go
mustodo@nuxart nux % git status     
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
        new file:   filedialog_android.go
        new file:   font_android.go
        new file:   paint_android.go
        new file:   paint_other.go
        new file:   path_android.go

but ignore file is


yes! it's working. Thank you so much

I found it caused by~/.gitignore_global 😅