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How to disable selection input in <UTable>?

heydayle opened this issue · comments



Node version: v18.19.1

Nuxt version: 3.11.2

Nuxt UI version: 2.15.2

<script setup lang="ts">
const columns = [
    key: 'name',
    label: 'Name',
    key: 'actions',

const people = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'Lindsay Walton',
    id: 2,
    name: 'Courtney Henry',

const selected = ref([])

  <UTable v-model="selected" :rows="people" :columns="columns">
    <template #name-data="{ row }">
      <span :class="[selected.find(person => === && 'text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400']">{{ }}</span>

Currently, I'm using selection feature of in NuxtUI, but I don't know how to disable checkbox selection for a rows or all rows.

Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 16 57 23

I learn about on Doc's NuxtUI but I don't see it's mention to this problem.

If anyone has a way to handle it, please share with me.
Thank you very much!

I am also facing the same issue.

You have to leave out the v-model part.

If you still want to use the functionality of being able to click a row, you can use the @click function.

EDIT: ups misread your question. But you could still do this without v-model and add your own col for a checkbox.

You have to leave out the v-model part.

If you still want to use the functionality of being able to click a row, you can use the @click function.

EDIT: ups misread your question. But you could still do this without v-model and add your own col for a checkbox.

Thanks @madsh93, i will try it.

I will update more info about problem in this ticket

I've tried customizing a selection column using <UCheckbox> and everything seems to be working fine.

The next step is to add 2 properties, isSelect and disabled to each row.

You can check it out here:

I'll close this ticket here, thanks.