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[useFetch] Component is already mounted, please use $fetch instead. See

bbhxwl opened this issue · comments

Although it can be used, there are warnings. Why? Can't I keep using useFetch?

import type {UseFetchOptions} from "#app";
import type {Ref} from "vue";
import type {SearchParameters} from "ofetch";

const request = async <T = any>(url: any, options: any) => {
    const config = useRuntimeConfig();
    let token = useCookie("manageToken")
    let customHeaders: { "Content-Type": string, Authorization?: string } = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
    const res=await useFetch<T>(url, {headers: customHeaders,...options})
                title: '系统错误提示',
                message: res.error.value.message,
                type: 'error',
                appendTo: document.body,
                zIndex: 9999
        else if ( as any).Msg) {
            if(( as any).Code===0){
                    title: '系统提示',
                    message: ( as any).Msg,
                    type: 'success',
                    appendTo: document.body,
                    zIndex: 9999
                    title: '错误提示',
                    message: ( as any).Msg,
                    type: 'error',
                    appendTo: document.body,
                    zIndex: 9999

    return res
type ResponseType<T = any> = T extends undefined ? CommonResponse<any> : CommonResponse<T>;

export const http = {
    get: <T = any>(url: Ref<string>|string, query?: SearchParameters, opts?: UseFetchOptions<T>) => {
        return request<T>(url, {...opts,...{method: 'GET', query}});
    post: <T = undefined>(url: Ref<string>|string, body?: RequestInit["body"] | Record<string, any>, opts?: UseFetchOptions<ResponseType<T>>) => {
        return request<ResponseType<T>>(url, {...opts,...{method: 'POST', body}});
    put: <T = undefined>(url: Ref<string>|string, body?: RequestInit["body"] | Record<string, any>, opts?: UseFetchOptions<ResponseType<T>>) => {
        return request<ResponseType<T>>(url, {...opts,...{method: 'PUT', body}});
    postGetList: (url: Ref<string>|string, body?: RequestInit["body"] | Record<string, any>, opts?: UseFetchOptions<ResponseType<CommonResponseGetList>>) => {
        return request<CommonResponseGetList>(url, {...opts,...{method: 'POST', body}});

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Hello, that's because you're probably calling it outside a nuxt setup or component setup hook. see

Hello, that's because you're probably calling it outside a nuxt setup or component setup hook. see

Can't I call it with a method? My English is not good and I can't understand the video. Can you describe it in text? Can't I call useFetch as a method?

useFetch is a composable, it means that it is meant to be called in a setup function (nuxt or vue).
If you need to do any calls outside/after a component's setup function being called, you can use $fetch or the native fetch.

useFetch is a composable, it means that it is meant to be called in a setup function (nuxt or vue). If you need to do any calls outside/after a component's setup function being called, you can use $fetch or the native fetch.

I did this, and a warning will appear in the btnClick method.


Isn't there a universal method?

Requests initiated only on the client side should use $fetch

You can continue to use it, it will only display warnings, but problems may occur in some scenarios.
It is recommended to use $fetch instead. For details, you can check the youtube video link I sent.

Requests initiated only on the client side should use $fetch

You can continue to use it, it will only display warnings, but problems may occur in some scenarios. It is recommended to use $fetch instead. For details, you can check the youtube video link I sent.

Do I need to use two different methods for the server and client?

Requests initiated only on the client side should use $fetch

You can continue to use it, it will only display warnings, but problems may occur in some scenarios. It is recommended to use $fetch instead. For details, you can check the youtube video link I sent.

I am not good at English and cannot translate videos.

Requests initiated only on the client side should use $fetch
You can continue to use it, it will only display warnings, but problems may occur in some scenarios. It is recommended to use $fetch instead. For details, you can check the youtube video link I sent.

Do I need to use two different methods for the server and client?

Yes, use $fetch if this call is only for client requests
If you need to initiate a request on both the server and client. You can use the execute/refresh method returned by useFetch to re-initiate the request. Instead of calling a new useFetch

是的,如果这个调用只在客户端请求就使用 $fetch
如果在服务端和客户端都需要发起请求。则可以使用 useFetch 返回的 execute/refresh 方法来重新发起请求。而不是重新调用一次新的 useFetch



仅在客户端发起的请求应该使用 $fetch
可以继续使用它,它只会显示警告,但在某些场景下可能会出现问题。建议使用 $fetch 代替。详情可以查看我发的youtube视频链接。


$fetch是的,如果此调用仅针对客户端请求,则使用 如果您需要在服务器和客户端上都发起请求。您可以使用execute/refresh返回的方法useFetch重新发起请求。而不是调用一个新的useFetch

是的,如果这个调用只在客户端请求就使用,$fetch 如果在服务端并且客户端都需要发起请求。则可以使用useFetch返回的 execute/refresh方法来重新发起请求。而不是重新调用一次新的useFetch


I am currently only using useFetch, not refresh, and there are no errors. Will there be any unexpected issues?

I am currently only using useFetch, not refresh, and there are no errors. Will there be any unexpected issues?

Not sure, it depends on the usage scenario

useFetch is a composable, it means that it is meant to be called in a setup function (nuxt or vue). If you need to do any calls outside/after a component's setup function being called, you can use $fetch or the native fetch.

I did this, and a warning will appear in the btnClick method.



<script setup lang="ts">
const { refresh } = useFetch('test');

function btnClick() {