nuxt / icon

The <Icon> component, supporting Iconify, Emojis and custom components.

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Unexpected behaviour when using an Icon within ClientOnly fallback

slugcat-dev opened this issue · comments

Consider following code for your app:

.loading {
  font-size: 2rem;

    <template #fallback>
      <div class="loading">
        <Icon name="svg-spinners:ring-resize" />
    <div class="content" ref="someRef">
      This text should NOT be large!
      Remove the <pre>ref="someRef"</pre> from the parent and it works

Expected behaviour when loading the page:
A big loading spinner, and, when everything is done loading, some normal text, like this:

Instead, you get this:

When you remove the ref="someRef" from the content div, it works as expected

Are you sure this is from Nuxt icon directly and not Nuxt itself?

Can't tell, but when you remove the Icon from the template, it works

Could you try with <IconCSS name="svg-spinners:ring-resize" />?

Already tried that, it doesn't work either

Can you create a reproduction with Stackblitz please?