numToStr / Comment.nvim

:brain: :muscle: // Smart and powerful comment plugin for neovim. Supports treesitter, dot repeat, left-right/up-down motions, hooks, and more

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Feat request: Toggle code block by pressing a key in a single line (context aware)

enter-dragon opened this issue · comments

Hi! Currently this doesn't work:

01 #include <stdio.h>
03 int main() {
04    This is a line comment
05    printf("Hello, World!\n"); // Printing Hello World
06    /*
07        This is a block comment.
08        It spans multiple lines.
09    */
10    return 0;
11 }

I have mapped toggle to <leader>x, I want to toggle all the block comment when I hit this keymap on line 07 (or 08). But currently is not working. The result of this command right now is the following:

01 #include <stdio.h>
03 int main() {
04    This is a line comment
05    printf("Hello, World!\n"); // Printing Hello World
06    /*
07        // This is a block comment.
08        It spans multiple lines.
09    */
10    return 0;
11 }