numToStr / Comment.nvim

:brain: :muscle: // Smart and powerful comment plugin for neovim. Supports treesitter, dot repeat, left-right/up-down motions, hooks, and more

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Uses `//` as commentstring in html

yochem opened this issue · comments

While editing a html file I noticed that gcc inserts // as commentstring (independent of cursor location), even though :echo &commentstring prints <!--%s-->. I also have treesitter installed. Any idea how this is possible?

Nvim version: v0.10.0-dev-743+g9b5f58185-Homebrew
Comment Version: 0236521
Config (lazy):

return {
  opts = {},
  keys = { { "gc", mode = { "n", "v" } } },

Nightly appears to break this plugin at the moment, specifically in filetypes with different comment strings, like markdown for example:

nvim 9.4.0:


nightly 10.0:


I tracked my issue down to image.nvim's markdown integration, so I'll move my discussion over there

Weird that it works on stable with image.nvim though.

+1 currently have the same issue

Edit: Updating to the latest build (NVIM v0.9.4) fixed it.

Edit: Updating to the latest build (NVIM v0.9.4) fixed it.

Same issue and it worked for me go back to v0.9.4