nullobsi / clight-gui

Qt GUI for clight

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The gui is all grayed at startup

guillaumeboehm opened this issue · comments

When opening the gui after a reboot the interface is all grayed out, even though clight and clightd are running. I have to close (full close not just to tray) the program and reopen it again for it to work.

I'm under arch-5.19.1-zen1-1-zen using clight-gui r91.079bd99

if it works when you reopen it it's probably a weird d-bus issue

There a few things you can do to debug but I have been a bit busy:

  • busctl monitor when opening clight-gui
  • run clight manually before opening clight-gui

Thanks! Well I seem to have some issues with clightd (I have another issue opened there). So I'll try to figure out what's wrong over there first and come back to this issue either to close it or to continue debugging.


Same problem. What is your issue with clightd, can you link it?

Well my issue is because the ALS sensor isn't working. So might not be related FedeDP/Clightd#88.


Thanks. In the meantime of figured that the UI stayed disabled because clight (not clightd) was not yet available on my system.

I have the same issue as @guillaumeboehm. When I restart the clightd service and clight-gui the tabs of the gui aren't grayed out anymore.

I can probably debug this later but I've been busy with other things.
I have a feeling the culprit is probably here:

if (!enabledModules.contains("Backlight")) {

My guess is that it launches when clight is not yet running/initalized fully so it disables all the tabs. Perhaps there should be a "startup delay" option? Or I can try to make it wait for clight...


i have the same issue with grey in clight-gui . i am running plasma on gentoo . for me it looks like clight-gui starts before clight is done . i made a startup script that kills clight and clight-gui then starts clight but sleep clight-gui in X seconds . why i say X sec is because the
sleep time depends on the time to load plasma on my system . one system have sleep 3 and another system have sleep 15 (armv7a) :P .