nulab / scala-oauth2-provider

OAuth 2.0 server-side implementation written in Scala

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

object OAuthGrantType is not a member of package scalaoauth2.provider

berardino opened this issue · comments

I have cloned the play2.4 example project and created a custom token endpoint, but it does not compile. I am getting
the error object OAuthGrantType is not a member of package scalaoauth2.provider .

This happens when compiling the project in eclipse as well as from the shell with sbt compile.
The strange thing is that in an other project where I was using spray , I was able to implement
and successfully compile a custom endpoint.
So seems to be related somehow to play ?
Any suggestion ?

package controllers

import scalaoauth2.provider.TokenEndpoint
import scalaoauth2.provider.Password
import scalaoauth2.provider.OAuthGrantType._

class CustomTokenEndpoint extends TokenEndpoint {

  val passwordNoCred = new Password() {
    override def clientCredentialRequired = false

  override val handlers = Map(
    PASSWORD -> passwordNoCred)

This problem was reproduced in my environment.
I fixed this problem.

Me too. I'm not sure when we can't compile.
Thanks for the report.

Backport for 0.15.x branch.
I just published to maven central repository as 0.15.1.