nulab / scala-oauth2-provider

OAuth 2.0 server-side implementation written in Scala

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client Scope validation

royepel opened this issue · comments


Where do i need to validate the scope requested (by the client) with scope allowed for that specific client ?

We can validate the scope after get AuthInfo instance.
I think we have two solutions.

1 . Into DataHandler#findAuthInfoByAccessToken method

DataHandler#findAuthInfoByAccessToken method need to return AuthInfo, so you can validate after get the AuthInfo.

You need to pass a scope parameter to your DataHandler instance from HTTP request parameter.

2 . After ProtectedResource#authorize method (play2-oauth2-provider)

We can directly use ProtectedResource instance (protectedResource) on OAuth2Provider.

val f = protectedResource.handleRequest(request, new YourDataHandler()).flatMap {
  case Left(e) => throw e
  case Right(authInfo) => {
    if (authInfo.scope != scope) {
      throw new InvalidScope

You need to handle exception like below.

Both case, you should throw InvalidScope exception if scope is invalid.

Thank you for your quick answer.