ntruchsess / arduino_uip

UIPEthernet: A plugin-replacement of the stock Arduino Ethernet library for ENC28J60 shields and breakout boards. Full support for persistent (streaming) TCP-connections and UDP (Client and Server each), ARP, ICMP, DHCP and DNS. Build around Adam Dunkels uIP Stack. Further developed version can be found on https://github.com/UIPEthernet/UIPEthernet

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Accessing Link Status from the ENC28J60 Physical Status Registers

ChiefPoints opened this issue · comments

I see on the ENC28J60 datasheet that Link Status can be read from the physical status registers. The project I'm working on is a network line testing tool, and currently it checks for Hardware Link Status, DHCP, DNS and finally an active data connection. Currently, I'm running a line from the green Link led on the ENC28J60 to A0, and getting my link status that way. I would prefer to do it in software w/o running extra wires, since it the chip already has that data available.
I see where you discuss the Link Status bits in closed issue #17 "How to check if internet is available", stating that this library, as written, ignores the bits, and this likely wasn't to change since it would increase the size of the library.
Since I'm working from a ATmega1284p, resources aren't as much of an issue. How easily can this support be added. I know this probably isn't of concern for those just creating clients and servers with the library, but it is a concern when building homebrew test equipment. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Chief Points

I have the same question. A.