ntreimer / herokuDeployWithDb

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Heroku deploy with SQL db

Heroku is a Cloud Application Platform that will allow you to publish your apps to the web. We'll be primarily using Heroku in this class but it's important to note that there are many other companies out there that offer similar services.

Best of all, Heroku is free for development use!

Summary Steps

Heroku Prerequisite

  1. Sign up for an account on Heroku.com
  2. Install Heroku CLI by typing brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku in Terminal
  1. Authenticate by typing heroku login in Terminal

Note: Your project also needs to have a git repository.

Heroku Setup

Before you deploy, make sure your server PORT is configured correctly as:

const PORT = process.env.PORT || 5000;

Run the following commands from within your project folder.

  1. In terminal, navigate to your project folder and type heroku create
  2. Login in if prompted
  3. Type git remote -v to ensure it added successfully
  4. In terminal, type git push heroku master
  5. Our website is now live! However... we also have a database

Postgresql on Heroku

  1. In terminal, type heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev to set up Postgresql on your Heroku project
  2. Next, type heroku pg:push your_database DATABASE_URL to copy your database contents up to Heroku. your_database is the actual name of your database (e.g. koala_holla_). DATABASE_URL is a heroku config variable created by the Add On. Do not replace it with something else, just type: DATABASE_URL. For example, if you were deploying the koala_holla database, you should type heroku pg:push koala_holla DATABASE_URL
  3. Update or create a module for your pg-pool configuration to the following code that will convert the heroku DATABASE_URL into a pool config object. The only line you should have to change is database: process.env.DATABASE_NAME || 'your_database'. Change your_database to the actual name of your database. (e.g. database: process.env.DATABASE_NAME || 'koala_holla':


Update your pool.js as shown below

const pg = require('pg');
const url = require('url');

let config = {};

// We need a different pg configuration if we're running
// on Heroku, vs if we're running locally.
// Heroku gives us a process.env.DATABASE_URL variable,
// so if that's set, we know we're on heroku.
if (process.env.DATABASE_URL) {
  config = {
    // We use the DATABASE_URL from Heroku to connect to our DB
    connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
    // Heroku also requires this special `ssl` config
    ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: false },
} else {
  // If we're not on heroku, configure PG to use our local database
  config = {
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 5432,
    database: 'prime_app', // CHANGE THIS LINE to match your local database name!

// this creates the pool that will be shared by all other modules
const pool = new pg.Pool(config);

// the pool will log when it connects to the database
pool.on('connect', () => {
  console.log('Postgesql connected');

// the pool with emit an error on behalf of any idle clients
// it contains if a backend error or network partition happens
pool.on('error', (err) => {
  console.log('Unexpected error on idle client', err);

module.exports = pool;

When you need a pool, use the following code:

var pool = require('../modules/pool.js');

Next, commit your changes and push them to Heroku:

git add .
git commit -m "MESSAGE"
git push heroku master

Note: You'll need to commit and push each time you make a change that you want to deploy to Heroku. Automatic deployments are covered in a later section Keep in mind you CAN NOT pull from Heroku. This is not a replacement for GitHub!

Lastly, open terminal and type heroku open, which should show you your deployed site!

Note: It is best to fully test your code locally before deploying to Heroku. Bugs are much harder to troubleshoot on a live website.


  • heroku logs - Display error logs
  • heroku config - Show basic app info
  • heroku restart - Sometimes it helps to turn things off an on again
  • heroku open - Opens the website for you project in the browser

GUI and Automatic Deployment

The Heroku website GUI can simplify several of the steps taken above especially for projects where you intend to make future changes.

  1. In your list of Heroku apps, select your application.
  2. Under the Deploy tab, in the Deployment Method section, select Github. Connect to the Github repository with your application by searching for the name of your repository.
  3. In the Manual Deploy section, click Deploy Branch to deploy for the first time.

Connect Postico to your Heroku Database

If you would like to edit your database, you can connect to your Heroku database directly from Postico.

  1. In your list of Heroku apps, select your application.
  2. Under Resources or in the Configure Add-Ons section, select Heroku Postgres.
  3. Select the Settings tab and click View Credentials
  4. Open Postico and select New Favorite.
  5. In the new Postico favorite, update the following to match Heroku:
  • Host
  • User
  • Database
  • Password
  • Port
  1. Click Connect and you should have access to your database directly from Postico!


More detailed instructions can be found here:
