ntpeters / vim-better-whitespace

Better whitespace highlighting for Vim

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Remapping the oeprator to `d<space>` doesn't work.

blasco opened this issue · comments

I've tried to remap it:

let g:better_whitespace_operator='d<space>'

but this takes no effect, am I doing something wrong?

Maybe because the d command is already associated with the action to delete, so d<space> is read by vim as delete for a motion of just 1 character. That is why we made it start with <leader> − so that it would not conflict with existing commands.

But strange enough, if I modify the plugin manually it does work. So I went to the autolodaed script and changed it by d<space> and works. I think it would be best to provide an <plug>(delete-whitespaces-operator) that we can freely map like in other plugins. I'll try to implement that and provide a PR.

exe 'xmap <silent> d<space> :StripWhitespace<CR>'
exe 'nmap <silent> d<space> :<C-U>set opfunc=<SID>StripWhitespaceMotion<CR>g@'

That works perfectly fine

These should be exactly the commands that are run when g:better_whitespace_operator='d<space>' if they’re not mapped to anything else previously:

if !empty(g:better_whitespace_operator)
" Ensure we only map if no identical, user-defined mapping already exists
if (empty(mapcheck(g:better_whitespace_operator, 'x')))
" Visual mode
exe 'xmap <silent> '.g:better_whitespace_operator.' :StripWhitespace<CR>'
" Ensure we only map if no identical, user-defined mapping already exists
if (empty(mapcheck(g:better_whitespace_operator, 'n')))
" Normal mode (+ space, with line count)
exe 'nmap <silent> '.g:better_whitespace_operator.'<space> :<C-U>exe ".,+".v:count" StripWhitespace"<CR>'
" Other motions
exe 'nmap <silent> '.g:better_whitespace_operator.' :<C-U>set opfunc=<SID>StripWhitespaceMotion<CR>g@'

What do the mapcheck() commands return before you manually run those exe commands?

Closing for lack of activity. Feel free to reopen when new information is available, in particular with a minimal vimrc and verifying mapcheck() values