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transform-plotly is parsing input data incorrectly.

rchiodo opened this issue · comments

Application or Package Used

Describe the bug
Plotly animations don't seem to work. (see this issue: microsoft/vscode-jupyter#4364)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a plotly graph in VS code as mentioned in the above issue
  2. Attempt to animate
  3. Animation fails with a console error saying frames cannot be found

Expected behavior
Animation should work

Pertinent console output.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: N/A
  • Browser N/A
  • Version: 7.0.1

Additional context
After some investigation, the problem is here:

This calls into this function in plotly:

Which expects the 'data' parameter to be an object. If it isn't, the frames for the animation are not found.

I believe the fix would be to pass in the figure itself, and not the elements of the figure.