nteract / enchannel

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Issue with shutdownRequest and new release of enchannel-zmq-backend

awright415 opened this issue · comments

I was testing out some of ntereact's lower-level libraries in a project and noticed shutdownRequest has an implicit dependency on the filter operator that's causing issues.

After the recent PRs in nteract (nteract/nteract#1780) and enchannel-zmq-backend (nteract/enchannel-zmq-backend#55) pared down the imported operators, there's no longer a guarantee that the shell channel has the filter operator.

A simple import "rxjs/add/operator/filter"; resolves the problem.

Oooh thanks for noting. We'll want to update that here too.

Just updated and shipped enchannel v2.0.0, though I'm hoping we'd move this into @nteract/messaging.