nteract / commuter

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Feature Request: Configurable context path or prefix URL

ricecooker opened this issue · comments

By default commuter runs on http://hostname:4000/

Could we add a parameter such as COMMUTER_URL_PREFIX that could change the URL?

As an example if I were to do this:

export COMMUTER_URL_PREFIX=commuter/

Then commuter would respond to this:

I have a build server with nginx in front that I'd like to host commuter so people can easily lookup their papermill jobs that run.

Thanks for sharing this recommendation, @ricecooker! Are you interested in submitting a PR for this? Happy to point you to the right places.

Sure, I'm open to exploring. NodeJS is not usually my cup of tea but I'm happy to try learn. I noticed some references to baseUrl in the codebase and this feature seems to already be on the roadmap (sorry!).

For anyone else needing this now, I found https://github.com/line/jnotebook_reader that does support this. I'd like to stick with nteract/commuter since we use papermill a lot.