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Default cell output is with scroll

shikharsg opened this issue · comments

Any cell output that is too long is not fully shown, but one has to scroll. So, for example, if an image is too large, I am not able to see it fully, I have to see parts of it by scrolling. Is there an option to run the server, so that it shows all the cell output without scroll?

Thanks for opening this issue @shikharsg!

This is related to nteract/nteract#4448 which requires that we support collapsed/expanded states on cell outputs.

Would you be interested in submitting a PR to resolve this?

I'm still learning javascript and node at the moment, so I'm not sure I'll be able to help yet, but as soon as I get somewhere i'd be happy to submit a PR.

Which repository would I have to submit the PR to? the nteract repository or the commuter repository?

@shikharsg Thanks for offering to help! The PR will ideally go in the nteract repository.

Hi - Is there any configuration I could tune to force the output cell to ignore the max-height: 600px?