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Failed to compile

MycoBean opened this issue · comments

I built application from master using Development Quick Start instructions in Readme.md, and launch application with local storage backend using yarn dev.

I get served the local storage base directory at http://localhost:4000. However, on clicking any folder I get the following error:

Failed to compile
Module not found: Can't resolve 'd3-voronoi' in '/home/jupyter/commuter/node_modules/@nteract/vega-embed-v3/dist'

Any suggestions on how to fix?

Thanks for opening this issue @MycoBean!

It appears that the dependencies in the vega-embed package need to be updated. I'll go ahead and fix this and release a new version of vega-embed-v3 and commuter to resolve this.

@captainsafia I also built from master and get the following error:

ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'd3-contour'

I didn't see d3-contour in your PR on the vega-embed-v3 PR, although it could be a subdependency of something that you've already added.

I didn't see d3-contour in your PR on the vega-embed-v3 PR, although it could be a subdependency of something that you've already added.

To be honest, it's been a while since I worked on that PR so I can't recall why that module is omitted from the list of added ones. I do recall spending quite a bit of time formulating that list so I think it might have been a sub-dependency. I can verify this.