nsweeting / gen_queue_toniq

GenQueue Toniq adapter for Elixir

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GenQueue Toniq

Build Status GenQueue Exq Version

This is an adapter for GenQueue to enable functionaility with Toniq.


The package can be installed by adding gen_queue_toniq to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:gen_queue_toniq, "~> 0.1.0"}


See HexDocs for additional documentation.


Before starting, please refer to the Toniq documentation for details on configuration. This adapter handles zero Toniq related config.

Creating Enqueuers

We can start off by creating a new GenQueue module, which we will use to push jobs to Toniq.

defmodule Enqueuer do
  use GenQueue, otp_app: :my_app

Once we have our module setup, ensure we have our config pointing to the GenQueue.Adapters.Toniq adapter.

config :my_app, Enqueuer, [
  adapter: GenQueue.Adapters.Toniq

Starting Enqueuers

By default, gen_queue_toniq does not start Toniq on application start. So we must add our new Enqueuer module to our supervision tree.

  children = [
    supervisor(Enqueuer, []),

Creating Jobs

Jobs are simply modules with a perform method. With Toniq we must add use Toniq.Worker to our jobs.

defmodule MyJob do
  use Toniq.Worker

  def perform(arg1) do

Enqueuing Jobs

We can now easily enqueue jobs to Toniq. The adapter will handle a variety of argument formats.

# Please note that zero-arg jobs default to using [], as per Toniq requirements.

# Push MyJob to with [] arg.
{:ok, job} = Enqueuer.push(MyJob)

# Push MyJob with [] arg.
{:ok, job} = Enqueuer.push({MyJob})

# Push MyJob with ["foo"] arg.
{:ok, job} = Enqueuer.push({MyJob, "foo"})

# Push MyJob with [] arg.
{:ok, job} = Enqueuer.push({MyJob, []})

# Push MyJob with ["foo"] arg.
{:ok, job} = Enqueuer.push({MyJob, ["foo"]})

# Schedule MyJob [] arg in 10 seconds
{:ok, job} = Enqueuer.push({MyJob, []}, [delay: 10_000])

# Schedule MyJob with [] arg at a specific time
date = DateTime.utc_now()
{:ok, job} = Enqueuer.push({MyJob, []}, [delay: date])


Optionally, we can also have our tests use the GenQueue.Adapters.MockJob adapter.

config :my_app, Enqueuer, [
  adapter: GenQueue.Adapters.MockJob

This mock adapter uses the standard GenQueue.Test helpers to send the job payload back to the current processes mailbox (or another named process) instead of actually enqueuing the job to rabbitmq.

defmodule MyJobTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true

  import GenQueue.Test

  setup do

  test "my enqueuer works" do
    {:ok, _} = Enqueuer.push(Job)
    assert_receive(%GenQueue.Job{module: Job, args: []})

If your jobs are being enqueued outside of the current process, we can use named processes to recieve the job. This wont be async safe.

import GenQueue.Test

setup do
  setup_global_test_queue(Enqueuer, :my_process_name)


GenQueue Toniq adapter for Elixir


Language:Elixir 100.0%