nsubstitute / NSubstitute

A friendly substitute for .NET mocking libraries.

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Need to release 5.2.0

Romfos opened this issue · comments


v5.2.0 was released but nuget still has 5.1.0 as latest

please, upload 5.2.0 to nuget

Thank you

@dtchepak @alexandrnikitin

Hi @Romfos ,

We're just trying to get the release build sorted after the appveyor move. (#791)

Having some laptop issues at the moment but will try to sort it as soon as I can

is there any news on this issue?
The nuget package is still missing on https://www.nuget.org/packages/NSubstitute


Is this the new release GitHub action?


  • its not in the main branch (or any branch?)
  • the yaml is invalid

But not sure if this is the correct GitHub action

I started to look at this (#791 (comment), haven't used GitHub actions before 😅 ) but my laptop decided to die before I could get anything working. I'll try to get access to a non-work machine to sort this as soon as I can. 🙇

Is there something in particular you need from this release? 5.1.0 should still be ok for now?


Looks as a good start :)

Please note that you should also push the nupkg and the snupkg for source link (although nuget will do that automatically nowadays. See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/create-packages/symbol-packages-snupkg)

(If we're unsure, maybe we should test with beta packages)

@304NotModified I think I've got it working: #797

Could you please take a look for me? 🙇


how is the progress with the 5.2.0 release? Are there any news and might be the .Net 8 support available soon?

Hey, how is the progress with the 5.2.0 release? Are there any news and might be the .Net 8 support available soon?

you can use the latest version from nuget for .NET 8. You don't need 5.2.0 for this