nstroustrup / lifespan

Lifespan Machine Source Code

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unable to generate "movement paths visualization"

kolt-mcb opened this issue · comments

Expected Behavior

After annotating an experiment I should be able to generate images and subsequent videos of the "movement time path visualization"

Actual Behavior

After submitting the job "Movement Paths Visualization" for individual images I receive the message below.

Loading annotations for the entire experiment...25%...
2022-01-07=16-25: ns_lifespan_curve_cache_entry::get_region_data()::Could not find region 49 in db. Has movement analysis been run for this region?

I can see that the query "SELECT latest_movement_rebuild_timestamp, latest_by_hand_annotation_timestamp FROM sample_region_image_info WHERE id = 49" is ran and indeed does not find any results.

I have attached a csv of my sample_region_image_info table, this table seems to have the correct row but the id that is being matched against is just the experiment id which does not seem right to me.

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. import an experiment though the worm browser from files on disk.
  2. complete analysis including story boarding.
  3. attempt to export videos/movement paths visualization.

Again I would like to mention I do not see this on my production server where the experiment was originally acquired.


  • Version: commit 7cc68f4
  • Platform: ubuntu linux
