nstroustrup / lifespan

Lifespan Machine Source Code

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on a fresh install ns_image_server update_sql gives an error

umich-steventf opened this issue · comments

Newly built host, worm browser asked me to run ns_image_server update_sql
on host I ran:
[root@bsb-9CG5520485 ~]# ns_image_server update_sql
== ==
== Image Capture and Processing Server ==
== 2.6.2 ==
== ==
== Nicholas Stroustrup ==
== Center for Genomic Regulation ==
== Barcelona, 2020 ==

Updating flag table...Server Root Exception: ns_sql_connection::Error in query: ALTER TABLE processing_jobs CHANGE COLUMN urgent urgent INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER image_id;
(Error on rename of './image_server/processing_jobs' to './image_server/#sql-backup-6b7-20' (errno: 168 "Unknown (generic) error from engine"))

Any help or ideas would be great.
-Steven Flack, University of Michigan LSA

Hi Steven! Sorry to see you're stuck on this issue. I haven't seen that error message before. The "Unknown (generic) error from engine" looks like it's a problem in the database software and not in the lifespan machine code. What exact database software and version are you running? mariadb?

Could the problem be some restriction in the database writing to the file './image_server/#sql-backup-6b7-20' ? You might want to make sure the directory permissions are set correctly, and that there's not some sort of file storage restriction.

You might also consider posting this issue on the support forum for the db software...those developers might have an easier diagnosing the issue or suggesting a workaround.

Let me know!

I haven't heard back so I am closing this issue.