nsqio / nsq

A realtime distributed messaging platform

Home Page:https://nsq.io

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Is this repo project still maintained?

nitrocode opened this issue · comments

Hi all. Thank you for maintaining this project.

I looked through other issues and didn't see one like this. I see the last release was in Aug 2021. Is this project still maintained?


You are also right that it is time for a release. Thanks for the reminder.

Generally speaking this project is very stable and battle tested in feature set and operational profile - so we don't often have particular new features to drive releases. I will also say I still personally use NSQ heavily every day at Bitly.

Hi @jehiah thank you for getting back to me.

It would be nice to enable dependabot or renovatebot to automate some of the dependencies. I have a client that uses nsq heavily now and has considered moving to kafka solely for the security benefits. Adding a bot to manage dependencies and more frequent releases albeit patch releases, would go along way to keeping nsq alive. Thank you!

FWIW companies might start migrating away from NSQ because of perceived lack of maintenance. Not having a release in 2+ years may mean "stable" to some, but looks like neglect to others (particularly to security scanners that scan 1.2.1 and see lots of outdated packages, to say the least).
Is NSQ still serious about this code?