This project was created by Mutsumi Hata, a student at Parsity, an online software engineering program. The work in this repository is wholly of the student based on a sample starter project that can be accessed by looking at the repository that this project forks.
If you have any questions about this project or the program in general, visit or email
This simple application allows a user to store, add and search through a list of contacts.
Using React keeps various components in their own files, reducing the length of any one file.
Using Typescripts catches errors before execution.
I would like to learn about and use useContext(), useEffect(), and PropTypes.
- contacts
- page.js
- [name]
- page.js
- Data
- page.js
- new
- page.js
- search
- page.js
- globals.css
- layout.js
- page.js
- Open terminal
- Locate file: contact-list-nextjs
- Type: npm run dev
- Type: open http://localhost:3000
- Other Typescript types???
- Add functionality to Edit button for each contact
- Add functiopnality to Delete button for each contact
- Eliminate %20 from [name] url
- Use Bootstrap to make columns align, especially subheader of AllContacts
- Hide Home/Back button on home page