nshaud / DeepNetsForEO

Deep networks for Earth Observation

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Value Error: Axes don't match array!

nicolaferrari96 opened this issue · comments

Hello, I execute without problems convert_gt.py, extract_images.py.
When I execute create_lmdb.py irrg_train_lmdb work correctly, but the labels_train_lmdb give me that error:

`=== Creating LMDB for path/to/labels_train/ ===
0%| | 0/57549 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "create_lmdb.py", line 121, in
create_label_lmdb(target_folder, samples)
File "create_lmdb.py", line 94, in create_label_lmdb
label = label.transpose((2,0,1))
ValueError: axes don't match array

Problem solved.
during the execution of convert_gt I made a mistake with the path.
The correct Path is ISPRS_semantic_labeling_Vaihingen/gts_for_participants for Vaihingen data set.