nsgrantham / ggdark

Dark mode for ggplot2 themes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


edawson opened this issue · comments


This is an awesome package - thanks for providing such a simple API for making dark-theme plots! I'd like to make some modifications on top of the ggdark themes and contribute any that are useful back upstream. Would you consider relicensing the repo under an open source friendly license? I won't advise on which license to choose (that's something for you to decide), but something more permissive would encourage contributions, and a Citation / Contributing guide could help ensure you still got proper credit from the community.


Hi Eric,

The package is already MIT-licensed and has been since the beginning. R packages are a little strange in that you specify the license in DESCRIPTION with License: MIT + file LICENSE where LICENSE contains my name and the copyright year.

I'll add a Citation / Contributing guide, that's a good idea.


Ah, interesting! I totally didn't know about the R licensing quirk. Thanks Neal!