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As a designer, I want to conduct a social-media audit to identify captive audiences among NSF's current users.

kategarklavs opened this issue · comments

User story

As a designer, I want to conduct a social-media audit to identify captive audiences among NSF's current users.

Acceptance criteria

  • Compile list of questions about current social accounts
  • Meet with Glorymar & Ellen
  • Get reports of top social posts (Twitter/FB) from the past three months
  • Conduct audit
  • Synthesize findings

Definition of done

  • Audit findings synthesized
  • Results shared out with NSF team
  • Captive audience(s) identified

Audit is in progress!

Update on this: I finished auditing May's tweets and shared initial findings at Friday's (8/17/18) demo. Am still evaluating whether to continue auditing tweets, though I would like to audit FB posts, for comparison.

Update: I've started auditing FB posts, but will likely not wrap up before this sprint ends (recruiting efforts/copywriting took precedence this week).

Update on this issue (which has been open for quite some time): I finished the first part of the audit (looking at tweets) and began the second phase (reviewing facebook posts), but ultimately, research took priority over finishing phase 2 of the audit. I'm going to close this issue, for now.