nschloe / tiptop

:desktop_computer: Command-line system monitoring

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Default network choice ... wonky?

dwt opened this issue · comments

The default network choice to display seems wonky for me, my main interface (wlan) is en0 (Mac user here), but instead en5 is chosen for display, which has no ipv4 and only a very small part of the traffic going through it.

Not quite sure why that is and what the best way to choose a default interface with psutil would be, but right now this is a bit strange.

Also good enough as a workaround would be the ability to change the network interface from inside the app without having to restart it (and loose history that way).

Yeah, tiptop isn't really made for dynamically choosing a network interface yet. I improved autoselection a bit (#83) so you get en0 by default. If that doesn't work, you can always use the --net argument on the command line.

Well, this sorta works. I now get the widget awdl0 chosen by default. I still think the real fix would be to choose the interface with most traffic as default. I guess that is something to look into how btop and others do this.

Sure! Pull requests welcome.