nschloe / meshio

:spider_web: input/output for many mesh formats

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[BUG] Xdmf TimeSeriesWriter h5 location

MagunRa opened this issue · comments

meshio.xdmf.TimeSeriesWriter writes the h5 file in the wrong location. Instead of writing it in the same folder as the xdmf it is written into the folder of the calling script.

The issue seems to be in time_series.py:265
instead of

self.h5_filename = self.filename.stem + ".h5"
self.h5_file = h5py.File(self.h5_filename, "w")

it should be something like

self.h5_filename = self.filename.with_suffix(".h5")
self.h5_file = h5py.File(self.h5_filename, "w")