nsarno / knock

Seamless JWT authentication for Rails API

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Allow multiple token lifetimes

vcavallo opened this issue · comments

Knock.token_lifetime.from_now.to_i if verify_lifetime?

As mentioned here #233 it could be useful to have different token lifetimes for different use cases in the same application.

I'm thinking that this config option could (optionally) be a hash of various time values, keyed to whatever makes sense for the business logic of the given application. I've only poked around the source code a little, but it seems like the change is relatively straightforward.

If I have time, I'll make a pull request. Opening this partially as a gauge of interest in the feature.

This would be a good feature as a simple use case would be setting a very short token lifetime for an administrator in comparison to a normal application user.

Knock.token_lifetime = 7.days

Knock.token_lifetime = {
  admin: 1.hour,
  user: 1.day

...would be a good interface in the initializer, just set the key to the entity_name. If it is not a Hash, then just default back to the current setting.

def token_lifetime
  if Knock.token_lifetime.is_a?(Hash)
    Knock.token_lifetime[entity_class.to_s.parameterize.underscore.to_sym].from_now.to_i if verify_lifetime?
    Knock.token_lifetime.from_now.to_i if verify_lifetime? 


I'm assigning @renatamarques97 to handle this 👍

can I take this?