nrkno / Quibble

JSON diff tool for .NET

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Would it be possible for Quibble to work with FSharp.Core 7.x?

marklam opened this issue · comments

(There's no issue tracker on the fork of @einarwh where the releases seem to come from, so I'm asking here)

The nuget package specifies FSharp.Core < 7.0.0 - would it be possible to remove this restriction, or update to use FSharp.Core 7 onwards?

Any projects with a package requiring FSharp.Core.7 can't update Quibble from 0.2.51 to 0.3 of this upper limit.

Thanks for your time!

Hi Mark,

Thanks for raising this issue and sorry for the late reply. I will look into it.

No need to apologise!

Tusen takk!

I've published v0.3.1 of Quibble which removes the version constraint for FSharp.Core. Let me know if there are any issues.

Seems to build and run fine with the new version. Thanks!