nreese / kibana-time-plugin

Kibana visualization that provides controls for setting and animating time ranges.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Compatibility with 7.5.1

srouthiau opened this issue · comments

I have tried the plugin on 7.5.1

I have managed to solve loading issue in time.js but the component still don't work i have an error in timeController.js

commons.bundle.js:3 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: emitter.on is not a function
at$rootScope.constructor.$listen (commons.bundle.js:3)
at Object. (commons.bundle.js:13)
at Object.invoke (vendors.bundle.dll.js:435)
at $controllerInit (vendors.bundle.dll.js:435)
at nodeLinkFn (vendors.bundle.dll.js:435)

Please help us.

Here's my modification of time.js

import 'ui/angular-bootstrap';
import 'plugins/kibana-time-plugin/lib/angular-bootstrap/css/btn-group.less';
import 'plugins/kibana-time-plugin/lib/angular-bootstrap/css/carousel.less';
import 'plugins/kibana-time-plugin/lib/angular-bootstrap/js/carousel.js';
import 'plugins/kibana-time-plugin/bower_components/bootstrap-addons/dist/css/bootstrap-addons.css';
import 'plugins/kibana-time-plugin/bower_components/bootstrap-addons/dist/js/bootstrap-addons.js';
import 'plugins/kibana-time-plugin/time.less';
import 'plugins/kibana-time-plugin/timeController';

import { AngularVisController } from 'ui/vis/vis_types/angular_vis_type';
import { visFactory } from 'ui/vis/vis_factory';
import { setup as visualizations } from '../../../src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/legacy';

import visTemplate from 'plugins/kibana-time-plugin/time.html';
import optionsTemplate from 'plugins/kibana-time-plugin/timeOptions.html';

// register the provider with the visTypes registry

function TimeVisProvider() {
return visFactory.createBaseVisualization({
name: 'time',
title: 'Time widget',
icon: 'clock',
description: 'Add time inputs to your dashboards.',
visualization: AngularVisController,
visConfig: {
template: visTemplate,
defaults: {
enable_quick: false,
enable_relative: false,
enable_absolut: true,
enable_animation: false,
editorConfig: {
optionsTemplate: optionsTemplate
requestHandler: 'none',
responseHandler: 'none'


Are you able to resolve the issues?


There has been a lot of refactoring in Kibana between 7.0 and 7.5.

It looks like SimpleEmitter used at no longer exists in 7.5. Try replacing it with import EventEmitter from 'events';


I made following changes:

//import { SimpleEmitter } from 'events';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';


//const msearchEmitter = new SimpleEmitter();
const msearchEmitter = new EventEmitter();

in timeController.js file. But still following error is coming:

TypeError: emitter.on is not a function
Detected an unhandled Promise rejection.
TypeError: emitter.on is not a function fatal_errors_service.tsx:118

Any suggestion?


try putting a break point in listen.js and seeing what is getting passed in.


Did you get chance to work on this bug?


I have not had time to look into the issue

here is a guide for using chrome debugger to isolate the issue


Following code is not executing:
$scope.$listen(timefilter, 'timeUpdate', () => {
$scope.$evalAsync(() => setTime());
it throws
message: "emitter.on is not a function"
stack: "TypeError: emitter.on is not a function↵ at ChildScope.$rootScope.constructor.$listen (http://localhost:5601/fya/bundles/commons.bundle.js:151308:13)↵ at Object. (http://localhost:5601/fya/bundles/commons.bundle.js:25847:10)↵ at Object.invoke (webpack://%5Bname%5D/./node_modules/angular/angular.js?:5143:19)↵ at $controllerInit (webpack://%5Bname%5D/./node_modules/angular/angular.js?:11707:34)↵ at nodeLinkFn (webpack://%5Bname%5D/./node_modules/angular/angular.js?:10520:33)↵ at compositeLinkFn (webpack://%5Bname%5D/./node_modules/angular/angular.js?:9835:13)↵ at publicLinkFn (webpack://%5Bname%5D/./node_modules/angular/angular.js?:9700:30)↵ at _callee$ (http://localhost:5601/fya/bundles/commons.bundle.js:183443:84)↵ at tryCatch (webpack://%5Bname%5D/./node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js?:45:40)↵ at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (webpack://%5Bname%5D/./node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js?:271:22)"
proto: Error
constructor: ƒ TypeError()
message: ""
name: "TypeError"
toString: ƒ toString()
proto: Object

Let's know if you have any idea?



I commented following function in timeContoller.js

$scope.$listen(timefilter, 'timeUpdate', () => {
$scope.$evalAsync(() => setTime());

After that plugin is getting displayed, but I don't know how it will affect the whole plugin. Please let me know what to do next? How should i re-rewrite this code?


After that plugin is getting displayed, but I don't know how it will affect the whole plugin. Please let me know what to do next? How should i re-rewrite this code?

I believe that subscript is to update the time slider when the Kibana global time picker changes. With that listen removed, does the time slider update when the global time picker changes?

If it does not, try adding the following, globalState is an angular service that gets injected in module.controller definition.

$scope.$listen(globalState, 'fetch_with_changes', diff => {
      if (diff.includes('time')) {

Hi folks,
if you make these changes, the plugin should work fine:

import { VisFactoryProvider } from 'ui/vis/vis_factory';
import { VisTypesRegistryProvider } from 'ui/registry/vis_types';

and replace it by:

import { AngularVisController } from 'ui/vis/vis_types/angular_vis_type';
import KbnTimeVisController  from './timeController'

import { setup as visualizations } from '../../../src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/legacy';
import { npSetup } from 'ui/new_platform';

  const timePickeerDefinition = {
    name: 'time',
    title: 'Time widget',
    icon: 'clock',
    visualization: AngularVisController,
    description: 'Add time inputs to your dashboards.',
    visConfig: {
      template: visTemplate,
      defaults: {
          enable_quick: true,
          enable_relative: true,
          enable_absolut: true,
          enable_animation: true,
    editorConfig: {
      optionsTemplate: optionsTemplate
    requestHandler: 'none',
    responseHandler: 'none'


and then in timeController.js, comment this:
$scope.$listen(timefilter, 'timeUpdate', () => { $scope.$evalAsync(() => setTime()); });

Hi folks,
if you make these changes, the plugin should work fine:

import { VisFactoryProvider } from 'ui/vis/vis_factory';
import { VisTypesRegistryProvider } from 'ui/registry/vis_types';

and replace it by:

import { AngularVisController } from 'ui/vis/vis_types/angular_vis_type';
import KbnTimeVisController  from './timeController'

import { setup as visualizations } from '../../../src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/legacy';
import { npSetup } from 'ui/new_platform';

  const timePickeerDefinition = {
    name: 'time',
    title: 'Time widget',
    icon: 'clock',
    visualization: AngularVisController,
    description: 'Add time inputs to your dashboards.',
    visConfig: {
      template: visTemplate,
      defaults: {
          enable_quick: true,
          enable_relative: true,
          enable_absolut: true,
          enable_animation: true,
    editorConfig: {
      optionsTemplate: optionsTemplate
    requestHandler: 'none',
    responseHandler: 'none'


and then in timeController.js, comment this:
$scope.$listen(timefilter, 'timeUpdate', () => { $scope.$evalAsync(() => setTime()); });

Thanks for your help !
I follow those setting on opendistro kibana 7.4.2 , the web error also exit and no diagram display :

vendors.bundle.dll.js:28 Uncaught TypeError: emitter.on is not a function
at ChildScope.$rootScope.constructor.$listen (commons.bundle.js:85)
at Object. (kibana.bundle.js:1)
at Object.invoke (vendors.bundle.dll.js:239)
at $controllerInit (vendors.bundle.dll.js:239)
at nodeLinkFn (vendors.bundle.dll.js:239)
at compositeLinkFn (vendors.bundle.dll.js:239)
at publicLinkFn (vendors.bundle.dll.js:239)
at commons.bundle.js:83
at new Promise ()
at AngularVisController.render (commons.bundle.js:83)

If you have any adivce , please help to reply , thanks !

Hi @Arvin-developer , that was already answered, you should remove
$scope.$listen(timefilter, 'timeUpdate', () => { $scope.$evalAsync(() => setTime()); });

Hi @Arvin-developer , that was already answered, you should remove
$scope.$listen(timefilter, 'timeUpdate', () => { $scope.$evalAsync(() => setTime()); });

Thanks for your help !
I had remove this code on timeController.js , and restart the kibana ,but meet the new exception :

FATAL Error: Optimizations failure.
4579 modules

ERROR in ./plugins/kibana-time-plugin/public/time.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../../../src/legacy/core_plugins/vis

ualizations/public/np_ready/public/legacy' in 'C:\inetpub\odfe-1.4.0-kibana_DEV

Is maybe kibana version different to 7.5 so that miss the js source ?

Please make sure that you are pointing to the write destination, because the file does exist in Kibana 7.5.

Please make sure that you are pointing to the write destination, because the file does exist in Kibana 7.5.

Thanks @ch-bas
My kibana version is opendistro kibana 7.4.2 , there is no src\legacy\core_plugins\visualizations\public\np_ready\public\legacy.js file , so error happend .
Maybe we can not add this plugin on difference opendistro kibana 7.4.2 , it will need to modify many js code .

Hi folks,
if you make these changes, the plugin should work fine:

import { VisFactoryProvider } from 'ui/vis/vis_factory';
import { VisTypesRegistryProvider } from 'ui/registry/vis_types';

and replace it by:

import { AngularVisController } from 'ui/vis/vis_types/angular_vis_type';
import KbnTimeVisController  from './timeController'

import { setup as visualizations } from '../../../src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/np_ready/public/legacy';
import { npSetup } from 'ui/new_platform';

  const timePickeerDefinition = {
    name: 'time',
    title: 'Time widget',
    icon: 'clock',
    visualization: AngularVisController,
    description: 'Add time inputs to your dashboards.',
    visConfig: {
      template: visTemplate,
      defaults: {
          enable_quick: true,
          enable_relative: true,
          enable_absolut: true,
          enable_animation: true,
    editorConfig: {
      optionsTemplate: optionsTemplate
    requestHandler: 'none',
    responseHandler: 'none'


and then in timeController.js, comment this:
$scope.$listen(timefilter, 'timeUpdate', () => { $scope.$evalAsync(() => setTime()); });

Hi @ch-bas,

I modified time.js and timeController.js as you describe but I am getting the following error:

Version: 7.5.2 Build: 27675 Error: Register requires an function register@ registerFunction@ @ __webpack_require__@ @ __webpack_require__@ __kbnBundles__.kibana<@ __webpack_require__@ requireLegacyFiles@ start@ _callee2$@ tryCatch@ invoke@ defineIteratorMethods/</prototype[method]@ asyncGeneratorStep@ _next@ notify/<@ flush@
I am using Kibana 7.5.2 on docker with the directory of the plugin mounted on /usr/share/kibana/plugins/kibana-time-plugin in the container.
Is there any other modification I should do? Thank you.

Maybe this will help #64 .