nrbnlulu / strawberry-django-auth

Authentication system for django using strawberry

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Enhance Security with HTTPOnly Cookie-Based JWT Authentication Support

JavierPiedra opened this issue · comments


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I was wondering if per cookie authentication will be developed, similar to how django-graphql-jwt handles it as described here

Expected behavior

Secure Authentication Mechanism: Upon successful authentication, the server issues a JWT that is securely stored in an HTTPOnly cookie, minimizing the risk of client-side JavaScript access and potential XSS attacks.

Automatic Handling of Tokens: For each subsequent request to the server, the browser automatically includes the JWT stored in the cookie, streamlining the authentication process without manual intervention for token management on the client side.

Enhanced Security Configurations: The JWT cookie is configured with Secure and SameSite attributes, ensuring that the token is only sent over HTTPS connections and providing additional protection against CSRF attacks.

Simplified Client-Side Logic: The client application does not need to manage the storage or transmission of authentication tokens, reducing complexity and potential security vulnerabilities in the client-side code.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection: The application includes CSRF protection mechanisms that work in conjunction with the cookie-based authentication to safeguard against unauthorized actions on behalf of authenticated users.

Actual behavior

Token is being sent as accesible to browser and JS


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Hey could you elaborate on the use case of this?
since you would be required to save the refresh token in JS anyways am I wrong?
Also why wouldn't you just use a session token?

See also #231


@nrbnlulu, first thing thanks a lot for this library and all the maintenance work you are doing.

I agree with @JavierPiedra, this would be a worthy feature to have.

You are not required to store any of the tokens in JS.

Currently, using a graphene back-end and a relay front, I store only the tokens expiration (not their content) in LocalStorage (both access and refresh), and if the tokens are expired I ask the server to refresh them before proceeding to the actual call. The tokens themselves are stored as HTTP_ONLY cookies.

How do I make sure the tokens are sent to the server on each call without having read access to them ? I simply use credentials: "include" in my fetch function, as defined here.

This feature would implement a security best practice, in particular against XSS attacks. It would make a difference if you considered it !

(Note : I am currently preparing a switch to strawberry and assessing feature-parity - hence finding myself looking for this in your library.)

I see.
I currently don't have much time working on new stuff though Ill accept a PR.


Thank you @nrbnlulu
Will do the pr

@advl I've done this in a project I'm developing now. I used SchemaExtension from strawberry.extensions to access the httponly cookies at both ends of the request and modded gqlauth's ArgMixin to run an auth check and to create or delete cookies depending on the result. LMK if you want to see it. I plan to circle back to it in a couple weeks. It works, but I still have a couple issues to clean up.