nrbnlulu / strawberry-django-auth

Authentication system for django using strawberry

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it's not working with django channels: ERROR: ASGI callable returned without starting response.

shmoon-kr opened this issue · comments

  • [V ] Is it a bug?
  • [V] Is it a question?


I've set up django channels as described in the official documentation, but when I throw a query, I get the message
"ERROR: ASGI callable returned without starting response".
I think this is an issue with django channels, as the other parts are the same and it worked when I served it with GraphQLAsyncView.

django channels setting

arg_schema = JwtSchema(query=Query, mutation=Mutation, subscription=None)

websocket_urlpatterns = [
    re_path("^graphql", channels_jwt_middleware(GraphQLWSConsumer.as_asgi(schema=arg_schema))),
gql_http_consumer = AuthMiddlewareStack(
application = ProtocolTypeRouter(
        "http": URLRouter(
                re_path("^graphql", gql_http_consumer),
                re_path("^", django_asgi_app),
        "websocket": AuthMiddlewareStack(URLRouter(websocket_urlpatterns)),

-> got "ASGI callable returned without starting response" error

without channels

urlpatterns = [
    path("graphql/", AsyncGraphQLView.as_view(schema=schema)),

-> no problem

Am I missing something?

Sorry, I can't tell why isn't it working for you from just this code.
If you set a brake point at the middleware does it reaches there? does it exists correctly?


I set a break point at if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(inner): line of the following function.
It reached at the breakpoint during application loading.

and variables are

database_sync_to_async = {type} <class 'channels.db.DatabaseSyncToAsync'>
 context_to_thread_executor = {WeakKeyDictionary: 0} <WeakKeyDictionary at 0x75741b3fce80>
 deadlock_context = {ContextVar} <ContextVar name='deadlock_context' at 0x75741b3ef790>
 single_thread_executor = {ThreadPoolExecutor} <concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor object at 0x75741b3fcd30>
 thread_sensitive_context = {ContextVar} <ContextVar name='thread_sensitive_context' at 0x75741b3ef7e0>
 threadlocal = {_local} <_thread._local object at 0x75741b3ef470>
inner = {function} <function GraphQLWSConsumer at 0x75741a2db880>
 consumer_class = {type} <class 'strawberry.channels.handlers.ws_handler.GraphQLWSConsumer'>
 consumer_initkwargs = {dict: 1} {'schema': """Date with time (isoformat)"""\nscalar DateTime\n\ntype DjangoModelType {\n  pk: ID!\n}\n\n"\n     Errors messages and codes mapped to\n    fields or non fields errors.\n    Example:\n    {\n        field_name: [\n            {\n                \"message\": \"error message\",\n                \"code\": \"error_code\"\n            }\n        ],\n        other_field: [\n            {\n                \"message\": \"error message\",\n                \"code\": \"error_code\"\n            }\n        ],\n        nonFieldErrors: [\n            {\n                \"message\": \"error message\",\n                \"code\": \"error_code\"\n            }\n        ]\n    }\n    "\nscalar ExpectedError\n\ntype Mutation {\n  "### Checks if a token is not expired and correct.\n\n    *Note that this is not for refresh tokens.*\n    "\n  verifyToken(token: String!): VerifyTokenType!\n\n  "Update user model fields, defined on settings.\n\n    User must be verified.\n    "\n  updateAccount(firstName: String...
def channels_jwt_middleware(inner: Callable):
    from channels.db import database_sync_to_async

    if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(inner):
        get_user_or_error_async = database_sync_to_async(get_user_or_error)

        async def middleware(scope, receive, send):
            if not scope.get(USER_OR_ERROR_KEY, None):
                user_or_error: UserOrError = await get_user_or_error_async(scope)
                scope[USER_OR_ERROR_KEY] = user_or_error
            return await inner(scope, receive, send)

    else:  # pragma: no cover
        raise NotImplementedError("sync channels middleware is not supported yet.")
    return middleware

It's a bit stange. When the application is starting, it reaches at the breakpoint. But when I resume it and submit a graphql query via graphiql, it doesn't reach there.

your revolvers are running correctly? BTW if you want you can contact me on discord nir_benlulu

Yes. Resolvers are working correctly because there's no problem in running with AsyncGraphQLView without channels.

I just setup a test project at github.

If you have a moment, I'd appreciate it if you could take a look. Next time I'll contact you on discord.

try to change

urlpatterns = [
    path("graphql/", AsyncGraphQLView.as_view(schema=schema)),


urlpatterns = [
    path("graphql", AsyncGraphQLView.as_view(schema=schema)),

Django said something about post request 😕

Issue occurs here. The request object has no scope in it it's under request.consumer

user_or_error: UserOrError = request.scope[USER_OR_ERROR_KEY]

And here context doesn't have a request object using getattr on channels requests

if not (user := authenticate(info.context.request, **args)): # type: ignore

PR is welcomed. I might be able to solve this on thursday

closed in #504