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[BUG] npm v6.14.xx : 'npm install' generate different node_modules which made my project not responding

gesangseto opened this issue · comments

At first I wanted to archive my stable project (archive_project) because it would be upgraded to the next version, what I did was copy all the files folder except node_modules to the folder (next_project).
then I ran npm install (next_project) everything went smoothly.
When I run dev npm run serve and try the project (next_project) it takes too long to load and often doesn't respond on browser, even if the display can load correctly, expanding the menu or clicking a button doesn't seem to respond.

I think this happens because the node_modules are generated by npm install because if the latest project (next_project) uses node_modules from the project that I archived (archive_project) there are no problems whatsoever

The image below is the date node_modules (archive project) was modified, so I rolled back package.json (next_project) before that date but to no avail

I have changed several versions of nodejs:
v12.22.12, v14.20.0, v16.20.0


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This does not seem to be a bug with npm but more of a support question for the software you're trying to run. You may want to try more general support forums, or ask in places where vue offers support (this appears to be a vue app based on the dependencies, or if you think this really is something npm related you may try opening a discussion at

Additionally, please use the full issue template when opening issues. npm version 6 has not been supported in many years.