npalm / terraform-aws-lambda-github-app

Terraform module for GitHub App Lambda webhook

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Terraform module for AWS lambda to receive GitHub App events

This module creates the required infra to handle events of GitHub app via a Lambda connected to API Gateway V2.

The module will create by default an API Gateway with a route on webhook for HTTP Post. Requests sent to this webhook will be sent to the lambda. The example lambda will check the GitHub secret.


To create a lambda and API gateway endpoint.

module "lambda-github-app" {
  source = "npalm/lambda-github-app/aws"

  environment = "test"
  labmda_config = {
    filename = ""
    handler  = "index.handler"
    runtime  = "nodejs12.x"
    variables = {
      GITHUB_APP_WEBHOOK_SECRET = "my-secret"


  • default : Example that will create the lambda based on provided config and a zip file.
  • provided- : Example that will let you create the lambda resource and pass the resource to the module. The module will create the API gateway for you.


  • Terraform 0.12.x
  • Docker for building the example lambda
  • Amazon account for deployment
  • GitHub account for creating an app


# build the lambda
cd examples/lambda-nodejs-ts

## create infra
cd ../default
terraform init
terraform apply

Terraform will output the webhook endpoint and secret for the GitHub. Go to and create your app.


No requirements.


Name Version
aws n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
environment Name of the environment will be used to name resources unique. string n/a yes
create_lambda Let the module create the lambda, provide the config for the lambda via lambda_config. bool true no
labmda_config Configuration for the lambda. Only required if create_lambda is set to true.
filename = string
handler = string
runtime = string
variables = map(string)
null no
lambda Provide your own lambda resource. Only required if create_lambda is set to false. any null no
tags Map of tags that will be added to created resources. By default resources will be tagged with name and environment. map(string) {} no


Name Description
gateway n/a


Name Version
terraform ~> 0.12
aws ~> 2.50


Name Version
aws ~> 2.50


Name Description Type Default Required
environment Name of the environment will be used to name resources unique. string n/a yes
create_lambda Let the module create the lambda, provide the config for the lambda via lambda_config. bool true no
labmda_config Configuration for the lambda. Only required if create_lambda is set to true.
filename = string
handler = string
runtime = string
variables = map(string)
null no
lambda Provide your own lambda resource. Only required if create_lambda is set to false. any null no
tags Map of tags that will be added to created resources. By default resources will be tagged with name and environment. map(string) {} no


Name Description
gateway n/a


Name Version
terraform ~> 0.12
aws ~> 2.50


Name Version
aws ~> 2.50


Name Description Type Default Required
environment Name of the environment will be used to name resources unique. string n/a yes
create_lambda Let the module create the lambda, provide the config for the lambda via lambda_config. bool true no
labmda_config Configuration for the lambda. Only required if create_lambda is set to true.
filename = string
handler = string
runtime = string
variables = map(string)
null no
lambda Provide your own lambda resource. Only required if create_lambda is set to false. any null no
tags Map of tags that will be added to created resources. By default resources will be tagged with name and environment. map(string) {} no


Name Description
gateway n/a


Terraform module for GitHub App Lambda webhook

License:MIT License


Language:HCL 100.0%