npalm / gh-runner-aws-spot-experiment

GitHub action self-hosted runner on AWS spot (experiment)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GitHub action self-hosted runner on AWS spot (experiment)

Be-aware this repo is experimental.

Repo contains a setup to scale runners in an GitHub organization based on demands. Once a new build is queued the orchestrator will create based on set maximums a new instance in AWS.


Terraform infrastructure

The terraform project will create a VPC, security groups and a launch template for the runner. Terraform apply will print the required data for the orchestrator.


The orchestrator can run locally via express or on AWS as Lambda function and expose the the web hook via the API gateway. The orchestrator will require a GitHub app to get access to the GitHub API.

The orchestrator will listen for events of a GitHub app, once received it verifies the the request based ont on the secret. For a valid request of the type check_run and status queued it will wait another seconds and re-check the status is still queued. If yes, a new AWS spot instances is created with a gh-runner. You can set a max of running instances.

Down scaling not implemented yet!


Create infra


  • AWS credentials
  • tfenv or Terraform 0.12.x installed
cd terraform/examples/default
terraform init
terraform apply # check the change set and accept.

Please keep the terraform outputs for the template name, template version and subnet.

Create GitHub App

Go to and crate a new GitHub app

  • Fill: name / homepage
  • Permissions: read/write on Repo level actions and administration
  • Disable webhook for now
  • Save and next generate a key pair

Create orchestrator

cd orchestrator

next set the following environment variables

GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_ID=<see app page>
GITHUB_APP_ID=<see app page>
GITHUB_APP_KEY=$(cat key.pem)
RUNNER_SUBNET_ID=<see terraform output>
RUNNER_LAUNCHTEMPLATE_NAME=see terraform output>
GITHUB_APP_WEBHOOK_SECRET=<your secret for the webook>

Next you need a option to route the webhook traffic, unless you would like to expose your dev environment directly to the web. A good option can be Once you have you webhook listener running (e.g., you can configure the web hook and secret of you app. Go back to you app settings in GitHub and configure the webhook and secret.

Now you should be ready to start the express server

yarn start

Alternative you can crate a Lambda in AWS. Build the lambda distribution.

yarn build 
  && cd build \
  && cp ../package.json . \
  && yarn --production \
  && zip -r  ../ . \
  && ce ..


  • Copy to S3
  • Create a lambda
    • Ensure you increase the execution time to 1 minute or so.
    • Ensure you set the configuration variables
    • entry point is lambda/githubWebhook
    • connect the lambda to the API gateway.
    • Update the GItHub app with the API gateway endpoint.


Finally it is time to test. Install the the new app for a test repo and push a change. Of course ensure you have a workflow for a self-hosted runner.


GitHub action self-hosted runner on AWS spot (experiment)

License:MIT License


Language:HCL 41.0%Language:TypeScript 29.9%Language:Shell 16.1%Language:Smarty 13.0%