nowsecure / r2frida

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Android: `wa ret` is not allowed in R2Frida session. `error: expected a pointer`

enovella opened this issue · comments

More info & sample at: #556


We cannot perform in-memory patching


Old slides with right inmem patching


More info

[0x751067cad4]> wa ret
ERROR: error: expected a pointer
ERROR: Cannot write. Use `omf`, `io.cache` or reopen the file in rw with `oo+`
[0x751067cad4]> wx c0035fd6
ERROR: error: expected a pointer
ERROR: Cannot write. Use `omf`, `io.cache` or reopen the file in rw with `oo+`
[0x751067cad4]> wx 0xc0035fd6
ERROR: error: expected a pointer
ERROR: Cannot write. Use `omf`, `io.cache` or reopen the file in rw with `oo+`

Memory permissions: :dmp failing


@trufae was io.cache set to false by default before?


if io.cache is enabled then you are not patching anything. on linux, mac and ios all these commands works fine, , wa, wx and dmp work as it should

It worked running Android 12 and Frida 16.1.10: (with io.cache=false)


:dmp working on Android 12 running Frida 16.1.11:


It doesnt work on a region that it doesnt already have rwx:

Screenshot 2024-02-04 at 11 50 04

It worked running Android 12 and Frida 16.1.10: (with io.cache=false)


Where is your ret written into? I cannot see the successful message as well as the opcode ret in the current offset.

[0x7b5aecbad4]> wa ret
INFO: Written 4 byte(s) (ret) = wx c0035fd6 @ 0x7b5aecbad4


It works on a cleaned installation, tested with @as0ler