novnc / websockify

Websockify is a WebSocket to TCP proxy/bridge. This allows a browser to connect to any application/server/service.

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Failed when connecting: Connection closed (code: 1005)

khaledayed opened this issue · comments

I used @novnc/novnc": "^1.4.0 and websockify v0.8.0 in an Angular app v14, i ran the command:

npm run websockify localhost:6080 localhost:5901

In app.component.ts i have added this:

import { Component } from "@angular/core";

import RFB from "../../node_modules/@novnc/novnc/core/rfb.js";

  selector: "app-root",
  templateUrl: "./app.component.html",
  styleUrls: ["./app.component.css"],
export class AppComponent {
  title = "vnc-client";

  public rfb: RFB;

  startClient() {
    console.log("Starting !!!");
    const host = window.location.hostname;
    const port = "6080";
    const password = "foobar"; // password of your vnc server
    const path = "websockify";
    // Build the websocket URL used to connect
    let url = "ws";

    if (window.location.protocol === "https:") {
      url = "wss";
    } else {
      url = "ws";

    url += "://" + host;
    if (port) {
      url += ":" + port;
    url += "/" + path;

    console.log("URL: ", url);

    // Creating a new RFB object will start a new connection
    this.rfb = new RFB(document.getElementById("screen"), url, {
      credentials: { password: password },

but i have these errors in console:
rfb.js:941 Failed when connecting: Connection closed (code: 1005)
rfb.js:941 Failed when connecting: Connection closed (code: 1006)

Could you share the entire console? There should hopefully be some more details from the browser.

And what does websockify say when this happens?

I see that you've also posted to the mailing list. So let's continue there so we don't have duplicate discussions.