novnc / websockify

Websockify is a WebSocket to TCP proxy/bridge. This allows a browser to connect to any application/server/service.

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What is the proper argument syntax to enable recording?

gwhizoftv opened this issue · comments


I'm starting websockify with these arguments:

websockify -D --web /usr/share/novnc/ 6080 --log-file /var/log/websockify --record /var/log/websockrecord

The documentation just says "use the --record option" but doesn't say how to use it. SO I assumed it took a file similar to the logging option.

I get a log in /var/log/websockify:

`WebSocket server settings:

  • Listen on :6080
  • Web server. Web root: /usr/share/novnc
  • No SSL/TLS support (no cert file)
  • Backgrounding (daemon)
  • Recording to /var/log/websockrecord.*
  • proxying from :6080 to`

Which implies there should be multiple files created by recording, starting with the pathname I provided.
However no recording files are being created.


t appears websockify doesn't write anything to the logs upon startup. My mistake.