novi / mysql-swift

A type safe MySQL client for Swift

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Compile error with swift 2016-01-25 snapshot

sbuerk opened this issue · comments

Just switched the the swift compiler to the current delevoper snapshot 2016-01-25, and now my simple playground project with a simple mysql query won't compile anymore.

Build log snippet:

Compiling Swift Module 'MySQL' (13 sources)
/var/www/sbuerk/switf/swift-playground-one/Packages/mysql-swift-0.1.5/Sources/Builder.swift:11:28: error: curried function declaration syntax has been removed; use a single parameter list
public func build<A, Value>(create: (A) -> Value)(_ a: A) -> Value {

It seems it is an issue because of Removing currying func declaration syntax - Proposal: SE-0002

I have created a gist with the full log here: full_build_log

Since i'm just playing around with swift on linux (started learning 7 days ago, with ~5h free time playing) i' could not provide an PR for it ... maybe i find some time at the weekend, but don't think so ... to many projects at work at the moment.

Just wanna share that issue ...

If i could provide further informations for that, let me know it.

Thank you for information.
Actually, Currying func syntax will be removed in further Swift releases.
I did refactoring by removing these syntax from this library and released it as tag 0.1.6 (see #12). Now you can compile it and its demos.