novaeye / x-wall

X-Wall is a small tool wraps together Privoxy and Plink, as well as GoAgent in version 1.3, to provide people an easier way to cross the Great Firewall of China.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Please visit for more information.
请访问 了解更多.


X-Wall 目前估计只有几百用户, 大家如果觉得好用的话, 欢迎在博客 (服务器在墙外要考虑被墙的风险) 或者 SNS 上推荐, 有原创教程尤佳.

X-Wall Screenshot

另外顺便维护了供 Privoxy 使用的 GFWList (action 文件), 需要的同学可以下载, 默认是转发 1080 端口的 SOCKSv5 代理, 其他请参照 Privoxy 的手册自行修改了. Privoxy GFWList Action File


X-Wall is a small tool wraps together Privoxy and Plink, as well as GoAgent in version 1.3, to provide people an easier way to cross the Great Firewall of China.