notthebee / ytdl-explorer

Download videos from YouTube/Twitch/Twitter right in the Windows Explorer, without installing any shady shareware apps

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

reg file does not work with alternative shells (e.g. Freecommander XE)

Faro1991 opened this issue · comments



this might be a little random, but I came across your script via Wolfgang's Video and found it pretty useful. Instead of the regular Windows explorer, I'm using Freecommander XE for my (default) shell and your script currently doesn't work with that. I found a way to make it work though (same entries, different key).

If you're interested/want to offer this version as well, I can open a pull request for it.


Sure thing, if you find a way to make it work with both Explorer and Freecommander XE, feel free to submit a PR.

sir please give option to downloads playlist in different sizes 144p 240p and 720p while downloading full play list. I am a noob in git hub I don't even know where to write feedback anyway so much thanks to your work

I was watching your video on YouTube and followed each step but I am unable to install ffmpeg and youtube-dl... I have alredy sent you the image ...Hope you will help me
Thank you

@sarwar9596 Read what’s written in purple. You didn’t run PowerShell as administrator

In the future, please create a separate issue

@sarwar9596 Read what’s written in purple. You didn’t run PowerShell as administrator

In the future, please create a separate issue

Sorry I am not a techy guy ...just reaching out to you people to Solve lil day to day issues..
Thank you

@sarwar9596 no problem 👍

Reopening the issue since I implemented a .reg file generator written in Python, so the alternative shell integration needs to be re-written