notsatan / kodi-strm

A python script to batch generate strm files to be able to stream videos in Kodi directly from Google Drive.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

play() missing 1 required positional argument: 'driveid'

jaum20 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Assume that you're explaining the problem to a kid. Explain in detail.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Generate strm files to a specific folder: py --source=folder-id
  2. Add generated strm files to kodi
  3. Try to play a strm file
  4. See error 'play() missing 1 required positional argument: 'driveid''

Expected behaviour
Play the video

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Please fill the following information:

  • OS: Windows
  • Browser Brave

Packages Installed:
Run pip freeze > packages.txt this will create a file called packages.txt in the working directory. Copy and paste the contents of the file in this section.
Note: If you are using a virtual environment, remember to activate it before firing the pip freeze command.

Additional context
I have no team drive. All files are in my personal drive. The strm files are generated for all files in all subfolders

I have no team drive. All files are in my personal drive. The strm files are generated for all files in all subfolders

Thanks for mentioning this, this might be the cause of the issue — 'cause STRM files generated on my end can be played normally (the media files are all stored within team drives)!

I guess the format to generate STRM files for media stored in personal drive may have changed since back then.

Can you try to generate STRM files for a few media files on your personal drive directly using the Google Drive Add-on in Kodi, and then paste the contents here (you can open those files with notepad, etc)? A handful of examples should be enough to get started.

P.S. I would recommend changing the file ID's in your reply before sending it

strm file using script:
strm file using addon:

Okay, spent some time on this — it seems like the item_driveid and driveid parameters are both linked to the Google Account in some manner. Either it's an Account ID assigned by Google, and thus something that can be fetched through the API; or it's an internal ID created and assigned by the Google Drive Add-on when one connects their Google Account to the add-on in Kodi

Things would be a lot easier if it's the former, since the ID could be fetched via the API normally. But, if it's the latter — i.e. the ID is created and assigned by the add-on, fetching it can be a challenge by itself

Either it's an Account ID assigned by Google, and thus something that can be fetched through the API; or it's an internal ID created and assigned by the Google Drive Add-on when one connects their Google Account to the add-on in Kodi

how can we find this out?