notriddle / budget-envelopes

An Android app for managing money.

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Another First of Month Distribution Issue (fully documented this time)

jvanderstel opened this issue · comments

My last report didn't offer exact info since I didn't document everything, as I did it, because I didn't know a problem was going to happen.

This time I documented exactly what happened so you might be able to figure out what went wrong in what lines of the code, and why.

First of all, I will list my wife's envelopes, with their amounts, in the order Budget with Envelopes has them. In actuality, Budget with Envelopes didn't retain the particular order I entered them in. (This makes it difficult to follow the logic.) I entered the amount of $710 as the monthly salary:

Envelope Monthly budget amount balance before salary input amt after salary input

BugCard 0 0 0
CarR 7.00 28 28
Dental 6.50 20.01 20.51
Dog Lic 1 11 11
FoTvNet 87.55 0 87.55
GasElec 90 0 90
Groc 75 0 75
Hair 11 11 11
Jane 0 0 0
Mast 0 0 0
Misc 0 0 0
Rent 445.95 0 445.95
S-SSI 0 28 28
Save 0 0 0

Total 724 98.01 797.01

This is my wife's budget. She has 2 incomes. One that comes in monthly of $710 and one that comes in quarterly of $42. The S-SSI envelope stands for the second income. I put the full $42 in that envelope each time it comes in and then divy out $14 each month out of it to make up for the first salary's shortage of $14 per month.

I entered the $710 salary first. This is what happened. I had to then do a series of envelope to envelope transfers to fix it it all before divying out the $14 from the S-SSI envelope.

As you can see, many envelopes were not filled with the right amount and some were not filled at all. If one inputs a salary that is less than their total monthly budget, how does Budget with Envelopes decide which envelopes to fill, which ones to fill with less than their proper monthly allotment, and which ones to not fill, at all?

The way that it is acting now, the results are far from accurate and completely unreliable.

John Vander Stel
Grand Rapids, Michigan