notnoop / nomad-vagrant-cluster

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Setup for a Nomad cluster

Simple scripts for setting up a Nomad+Consul+Vault cluster in Vagrant boxes.


  1. Download relevant Nomad binaries in ./bin directory with: make download_binaries
    • you can also compile Linux binaries and place them in the folder
  2. edit Vagrantfile with the number of desired SERVERS and CLIENTS
  3. make up

The Nomad servers will be accessible at, Consul at

To run a sample job:

$ vagrant ssh client-1 # or any servers

# generate a sample job file
$ nomad job init --short 
$ nomad job run ./example.nomad

# wait for a bit and check status
$ nomad job status example
$ docker ps


  • Integrate Vault
  • Setup TLS and ACL

Helpful links:



Language:PowerShell 35.4%Language:HCL 33.1%Language:Shell 29.8%Language:Makefile 1.7%