bandali0 / run-tests

Useful script for automatically running acceptance files and reporting pass and fails

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

run-tests is a small and useful script for automatically checking a series of acceptance tests (at*.txt) against a set of files containing the expected outputs (at*.expected.txt) and reporting passed and failed tests. There's also optional support for comparing against the output of an oracle, instead of the at*.expected.txt files. Comparison is done using diff, and thus for a test to succeed, the outputs must exactly match, character by character.

This script is meant to be used in a project with directory structure similar as below:

├── exe
│   └── tracker.exe
├── project
│   └── tracker.exe
├── tests
│   └── acceptance
│       ├── instructor
│       │   ├── at0.expected.txt
│       │   └── at0.txt
│       └── student
│           ├── at1.expected.txt
│           ├── at1.txt
│           ├── at2.expected.txt
│           ├── at2.txt
│           ├── at3.expected.txt
│           └── at3.txt
└── utils

Where in this case our executable is exe/tracker.exe and the oracle provided by instructor is project/tracker.exe.

When using without an oracle, each acceptance file is assumed to be accompanied by an expected output file. For instance, the expected output of running at3.txt must be in a file named at3.expected.txt in the same directory.

If the script is called with the optional -o (for oracle) option, at*.expected.txt files will be ignored and each of the acceptance files will be run through both the student's executable and the orcale provided by instructor, and their outputs will be compared using diff. uses ANSI colour codes to add basic formatting and colouring to its output. This can be optionally disabled by issuing the -nc (nocolor) switch.

An example output of the script is as follows:

λ ./utils/ -nc

└── at0.txt: failed
diff <(exe/tracker.exe -b tests/acceptance/instructor/at0.txt) tests/acceptance/instructor/at0.expected.txt
<   state 7 e11: this container will exceed phase capacity
>   state 7 ok
>   max_phase_radiation: 50.00, max_container_radiation: 10.00
>   phases: pid->name:capacity,count,radiation
>     pid1->unpacking:2,1,3.00,{glass,metal,plastic,liquid}
>     pid2->compacting:2,1,5.50,{glass,metal,plastic}
>   containers: cid->pid->material,radioactivity
>     cid1->pid2->glass,5.50
>     cid4->pid1->metal,3.00
<   state 8 e11: this container will exceed phase capacity
>   state 8 ok
>   max_phase_radiation: 50.00, max_container_radiation: 10.00
>   phases: pid->name:capacity,count,radiation
>     pid1->unpacking:2,0,0.00,{glass,metal,plastic,liquid}
>     pid2->compacting:2,2,8.50,{glass,metal,plastic}
>   containers: cid->pid->material,radioactivity
>     cid1->pid2->glass,5.50
>     cid4->pid2->metal,3.00

├── at1.txt: passed
├── at2.txt: passed
└── at3.txt: passed

As we can see, in the case of a failure the script will display the diff command used for the check, and will also display the output of the diff for convenience.


Useful script for automatically running acceptance files and reporting pass and fails

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%