notable / dumper

Library for extracting attachments, notes and metadata out of formats used by popular note-taking apps.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Problems with ":" in note titles

rgutmann opened this issue · comments

Reason: creating files with ":" is not supported.

A simple Parse.title([...]).replace(":"," - ") was sufficient for me, but the bug should be fixed imho.

@rgutmann what error are you getting?

No error at all, just missing notes. Which is the worst case... Btw, it's not only ":", also "?", ">", """, etc... and replace is only replacing once per call, so my hack got ugly quick (my first nodejs app - sigh).

Main reason seems to be the empty catch block in File.write() - adding console.log(filePath) was helpful to find all my missing notes:
async write ( filePath, content ) {

try {

  return await pify ( fs.writeFile )( filePath, content );

} catch ( e ) {
  if ( e.code === 'ENOENT' ) {

    try {

      await pify ( mkdirp )( path.dirname ( filePath ) );

      return await pify ( fs.writeFile )( filePath, content );

    } catch ( e ) {




I think you should also catch the unsuccessful ones there to be able to output them in case you've got errors in Notable-import function.

Btw - I like Notable very much - keep up the good work! :)

so my hack got ugly quick (my first nodejs app - sigh).

Do .replace ( /"/g, '' ) to replace all instances of that character.

I think I know what the problem is, some characters aren't allowed in filenames and the file isn't written.

I think this issue has been fixed, titles and names are now sanitized.