notable / dumper

Library for extracting attachments, notes and metadata out of formats used by popular note-taking apps.

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Support OneNote

fabiospampinato opened this issue · comments

Support for importing OneNote notes should be added, so that people can more easily switch.

Wow, you add this now that I have already in previous month manually gone over all my work note sections (I used onenote for work, evernote for private) and exported them to .docx, and then used pandoc to get them into markdown. Just to have a searchable backup of the data, but it's dirty and not ideal of course.

I searched high and low for existing tools or info on the onenote format but had little luck. I think if you actually managed this, then it would be a strong incentive for people to move.

I don't tried it. But is it not possible to Import in Evernote from Onenote, then export to .enex and then import to notable?

For what it's worth, I wrote a Python utility to convert OneNote notebooks to Notable. It hasn't undergone extensive testing, but it worked well enough for me:

@genericmoniker Cool, thanks for sharing! I'm actually rewriting enex-dump right now in order to make it more light weight and extendable, once that's done it'd be great if you could implement a OneNote provider for it. I'll post a message in the subreddit once the rewrite is complete 👍.